For any rider who is in search of a cab to help them travel from one destination to the other, a variety of questions pop up in their mind. This includes if the cab would offer them with the desired services, whether the driver would be safe and having a license, whether the fare would be within their budget or not, so on and so forth to name a few. To make this task simpler for the riders, here’s the Uber Clone Application. The app helps them travel with the utmost safety and pay as per what is available in the application.
Sounds interesting? Given below are some of its amazing characteristics,
Free Text Chatting between Rider and Driver
Gone are the days when the riders would have to remain connected with the driver through phone calls. Thanks to the Uber clone application, they can have a one on one conversation with their driver through text messages.
This feature, in turn, gives them the freedom to communicate with their driver without having to share their contact details with them.
As soon as they book their ride, both the driver as well as rider can remain connected in regards to their pickup as well as drop location.
Handicap Accessibility
With this feature, if someone who is handicapped wants to avail the ride, they can do so. All that they have to do is tick the service. Then the driver gets notified of the same where they can tick if they offer the handicap accessibility service and then reach their location and drop them to their desired location.
This feature also enables the handicapped to get full medical facilities through the health professionals. Those are present in the ride to take care of the rider. Along with this feature, the rider when dropped is taken with proper care inside the drop location. If the rider is going to someone’s house, they are taken inside and seen that they are going into proper hands.
This is an amazing feature of the Uber clone application. It ensures the safety of those who are handicapped along with empowering them to a great deal through giving them the freedom to travel just like any rider.
Gender Based Preference
Women often feel uncomfortable while hailing on a cab. They sense fear when with a male chauffeur and remain nervous. This is especially you can see in aged women. They do not feel comfortable when in a cab that is being driven by male chauffeurs.
Thus to make them feel less distressed while on a trip, the Uber Clone offers the gender-based preference. It enables them to select the preferred gender of their driver and feel more empowered.
So, as an entrepreneur if you are keen on building a Uber clone application having the above mentioned qualities along with several other attributes, here is the Uber Clone Script which would ensure to take your cab business to the zenith of success.
Given below are some of the characteristics of the Uber Clone Application
- 100% Responsive in order to ensure that the application can work on all platforms namely, Android, iPhone as well as your tablet or PC
- Web Panel for Taxi Companies
- Dispatcher Panel
- Billing Administration Panel
- Interactive Admin Web Panel to manage the full working of the application. It includes the information of the passengers, drivers, payment, etc., to name a few
So why not take the great plunge ahead and build a uber clone application using the uber clone script to take your business to the next level along with get the maximum riders.