February 17, 2025

Unquestionably, Uber Clone is the First Choice of Billions of Riders Globally because it Offers Smooth and Covid-Free Rides. Now, Passengers have the Luxury to even Video Call their Taxi Drivers to Inform them about the Landmarks. In Fact, the Newly-Introduced Features have been Coded to Allow Taxi Drivers to have a Better Lifestyle!

Uber App Clone: Cares Deeply About Its Fleet Of Drivers!

  1. Can They Fetch More Rides For The Day?

Absolutely, Yes! And it has been Made Possible with its Feature of Consecutive Rides in a Row without a Gap in Between. That is, Taxi Drivers now have the Liberty to Accept Additional Ride Requests in the Midst of the Ongoing Trip. And Even Entrepreneurs’ are swept off of their Feet because More Rides Translate to More Commission.

  • What Do They Get For Making An Effort?

Finally, the App Owner has Introduced a Feature to Encourage Taxi Drivers to Complete More Rides a Month. And it is Called the Drivers’ Reward Program wherein Admin Grants Silver, Gold or Diamond Badges based on their Performance. But First, they have to Fulfill Certain Criterions such as Online Ratings, Acceptance and Cancelation Rates of the Ride Request. For Instance, Only Those Drivers will win the Diamond Badge who have Average Customer Ratings of 4.9 Stars. Besides, the Acceptance Rate of the Ride Requests should be Close to 100 Percent.

Uber Clone Script: How To Code It From Scratch?

Naturally, you’d Need a Team of Highly-Skilled IT Specialists such as Android and iOS Developers, PHP Experts, Content Writers, etc. That is, they are Vital for the Designing Stage of App Development Components.

On The Whole, this Procedure shall Take At The Least 7-8 Years before a Fully-Optimized App is Ready for Launch. In Addition, you need $250,000 USD to Kick-Start this Project. Now, that Both the Important Aspects have already been shared, let’s get into the Detailing of Designing this App.

Stage I: App Like Uber – Build The Prototype First!

In Any Case, the Prototype won’t be Ready before the End of the Fourth Year! Despite having Industry Stalwarts On-Board, you can’t Expect it to be Ready within a Weeks’ Time! And Once it is, your Tech Team has to then Start Working on it. For, they Need to Mold this Prototype into a Full-Fledged App that is Laced with All the Crucial Post-Pandemic Features! Besides, it shall Take Additional 2-3 Years!

Stage II: Test The Uber Clone App In Real-World Environment!

Equally Important is this Phase wherein the App is First Beta-Tested for a Period of Six Months Followed by Market-Testing. Again, this Shall Take 14-18 Months Extra. As a Result, Expect a Fully-Operational App by the End of the Seventh Year. Afterward, you can Launch it on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

  1. But, Why Is The App Development Process This Pricey?

Because you need to Write Big-Fat Paychecks Every Single Month For Next Eight Years to Retain the Experienced Sector Specialists. And Then, Add the Annual Subscription Costs of All the Software Required by your Team to Code it. Besides, you have to also take into Consideration the Infrastructural Costs of Renting-Out an Office Premise, Electricity Bills, Municipality Tax, etc. And Then, you’d have to Buy the Hardware to Enable your IT Specialists to Function at their Optimum Level.

  • Why Is This App Your Cash Cow?

Because you Earn Money Every Time a Ride is Successfully Completed. And it is the Drivers who have to Pay a Certain Percentage of their Earnings Per Trip to the Admin. Obviously, this was about the Commission-Based Business Model.

Whereas, Membership Subscription Plans Ask for just a One-Time Payment! That is, Taxi Drivers have to Buy a Plan by Shelling-Out Oodles of Hard Cash Upfront because the Plan can be Activated.

Conclusion: Therefore, Launch this Uber Clone App within a week’ Time with the Help of an Authentic White-Labeling Firm like an App Development Company. Immediately Get in Touch with Them.

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