Taxi Booking App

Why Uber Clone App Is Popular In Taxi Market

Cutting the chase, let me tell you that this blog talks about the popularity of the Uber-like taxi booking app. But before we move ahead with explaining why it is so popular, let’s look at a few statistics about the on-demand taxi market. These statistics are to clarify that this application is here to stay for long and if you are to invest in this idea, do it without thinking twice.

On-demand Taxi Market Statistics You Should Be Aware Of

Here are the statistics that may leave your jaw-dropped.

  1. The market size is expected to grow by $41.22 billion by 2025.
  2. The expected growth rate through 2025 is 9.5%.
  3. The number of users in the ride-hailing and taxi segment is expected to be  1,665.3 million by 2026.
  4. 50% of the revenue in the ride-hailing and taxi segment will be generated through online sales by the year 2026.
  5. Comparing the revenue generation of the ride-hailing sector, the highest gross is collected from China.

Why is the Uber Clone App Popular Around the World?

These are the top 5 reasons explaining why this online taxi ride-booking app is popular.

1. Instant, single-click ride booking

The customers can easily book a ride using their smartphone or even iWatch. The app will instantly notify all the nearby drivers about your request. And the driver who accepts your ride request first gets the ride details on their screen.

From the same screen, the driver can access and navigate the route to your pick-up location. Isn’t that cool? Every rider can get on the road to their destination in just 5 minutes with this app!

2. Schedule the ride if you want to

Apart from instant taxi rides, the riders can also select another preferred date and time and schedule the ride. This feature comes in handy when the rider may want to schedule their early morning ride to the airport in advance.

The taxi booking app saves the riders from all the trouble of last-minute hassles of booking or hailing a local taxi!

3. Select the (budget-friendly) vehicle type that you want

The best part about this app is that the riders can choose the vehicle type that they want. For instance, one of your riders wants to book a taxi to his friend’s home which is 12.7 miles away. Now, his budget is low. Therefore, he can choose to go with a basic ride (which costs less as it’s a compact hatchback).

Similarly, depending on what your other riders want (basic, normal, or luxury), they can book a taxi using the app.

4. Travel COVID-19 free

Your customers would be happy to see your safety checklist while booking a taxi ride. The safety checklist pops up on the online taxi ride-booking app every time the rider wants to book a ride. This safety checklist enlists major COVID-19-related measures. On the other hand, whenever the driver wishes to show their status online, this checklist pops up. It mentions:

  • Wear a face mask.
  • Keep sanitization products in your vehicle.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands before and after the ride.
  • Disinfect the vehicle daily.

All of these measures are WHO-regulated! Hence, the COVID-19 safe ride!

5. Track the driver and ride on the Uber Clone app

Once the driver confirms the ride request, the rider is able to see the driver’s details on the app or iWatch screen. Along with the driver’s details, the app screen also shows details such as the vehicle’s model, license plate number, contact, chat, and video call button.


After reading the blog, will you not agree the taxi booking like Uber clone app is the best thing in the world? It is for sure. So, if you want to develop and launch this fantastic app in your region, it is time that you connect with the white-labeling firm right away! 

Get started with the mobile app development process and become an entrepreneur for real in just 1 to 2 weeks.

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