A very old proverbial saying goes,’ Education brightens up a soul and ignites inquisitive minds.’ We all remember what we get taught in our schools or colleges to even those horrid homework sessions where we got so many tasks that we felt confused how we would complete them actually and thereafter led us to visiting a tutor to seek assistance and support in regards to the same.
Is It Easy Locating a Qualified Tutor?
You cannot really determine and predict if the tutor you find will be cent percent qualified as well as someone who is well-versed in the subjects you need help with. This in fact led to the education industry developing solutions such as the online tutoring service apps.
Here’s a brief description about this solution.
About Online Tutoring Service Apps
To provide assistance to the students in relation to the lessons they may find difficulty or require assistance the online tutoring service apps have entered into the picture. With the help of this solution the students are assured to receive a tutor who is qualified in the subject they need help and assistance with and get help thereafter.
Operations of the Tutoring App
All they have to do is enter the app, select the subjects they need help with and thereafter book the tutor. Within some time the tutor provides help in relation to the subjects the students needs help with and that’s about it.
Useful Nature of Online Tutoring Service Apps
Thanks to the overall easy operations of this solution more and more students are going on to adopt it. Also it has successfully captured the attention of those setting up a new education industry that specializes in offering tutoring services.
Statistics to Depict Popularity of Online Tutoring Service Apps
Statistical records suggest the online tutoring service market to generate revenue close to 120.67 billion dollars by 2021 at a CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of twelve percent approximately. This in turn goes on to make it clear the solution has an overall very profitable scope.
So here are some reasons for the overall popularity of online tutoring service apps or in other words factors citing the increasing growth in number of online tutoring service apps.
Factors Citing Increasing Growth in Number of Online Tutoring Service Apps
- Ease in terms of finding tutor nearby
- Assistance to students in terms of seeking help related to subjects
- Streamlines smooth communication between tutor and student in relation to different subjects, the respective queries and so on and so forth
- Assures students to provide tutors who are qualified in subjects they need support and assistance with
This in turn goes on to suggest why the number of online tutoring service apps is increasing at such a rapid number, why it is helping the education industry achieve the billion dollar mark on a whole and finally attracting those who are setting up a new industry to provide learning assistance on a whole.
So, if you are going to set up your new education and learning industry make sure that you adopt this solution. However remember to have these features incorporated in your solution so that your students can receive learning assistance from tutors nearby with utmost convenience as well as ease.
Attractive Features in Online Tutoring Service Apps Promising Quick Help for Students
Filter Search
To help students locate a tutor based on location, subject, price and so on and so forth
Video Sessions
A very interactive feature promising your tutor service app to gain huge popularity the video session feature will make sure students can book a video session with the tutors in relation to the lessons they need help with and get it in an overall easy as well as smooth manner.
In-App Chats
A useful quality that you can include, with the in-app chats students can simply send a message through the app directly to the tutor in relation to the lessons they need help with and get support in a smooth manner.
Concluding Note In Favour of Online Tutoring Service App
Concluding, follow these tips when you develop the online tutoring service app for your education and learning industry at large. This will help you transform your industry and make learning an overall interactive process for the students at large. Also, it will attract more students towards your services and bring thereafter considerable revenue for you.